Design and analysis
Radical Conservation
Published in the Finnish Architectural Review 5/2021, pages 31-37. English translation by Päivi Perasto. Today, anything that is highly valued...
A declaration to turn the Finnish climate change goals to actions
We can change the Finnish climate change targets into more legally binding actions now as the Climate Change Act is...
The Monumental Alliance of Finnish Government and Civilization
Published in the Finnish Architectural Review 5/2020, pages 16-23. English translation by Eeva Parviainen. Senate Square in Helsinki is a...
50 years since the influential pamphlet Kenen Helsinki introduced human-centric planning to Finland
In 1970, Vilhelm Helander and Mikael Sundman published a pamphlet on the city planning in Helsinki, titled Kenen Helsinki –...
Revisit: high street changeability
I wrote about the changeability of London’s suburban high streets in 2017, together with Associate Professor Sam Griffiths and Professor...